Python Lesson Material

Most of this material originated with a grassroots group at the University of Wisconsin - Madison called The Hacker Within and has been modified by Software Carpentry instructors over multiple bootcamps.

To open ipython notebooks, create a new Terminal (gitbash for windows) tab and invoke (for instance) ipython notebook This command should open the first lesson in a browser: ipython notebook 2014-06-26-nd/lessons/thw-python/vars-types/variables.ipynb Excercises: ipython notebook 2014-06-26-nd/lessons/thw-python/vars-types/excercises.ipynb
Data structures
Lesson: ipython notebook 2014-06-26-nd/lessons/thw-python/data-structures/data-structures.ipynb. Excercises: ipython notebook 2014-06-26-nd/lessons/thw-python/data-structures/excercises.ipynb
Flow control
Functons and modules